The Journal from Meriden, Connecticut (2024)

is a a MERIDEN DAILY JOURNAL MERIDEN. CONN. MONDAY, OOTOBER SEVEN CHESHIRE NEWS Southington-Plantsville 3. HURLEY, CORRESPONDENT, PHONE 1319-W Democrats To Honor Mrs. Mary Flynn, Paul Connery At Testimonial Dinner Democrats from this town and from all parts of the state will meet tonight at- Waverly Inn, Cheshire, where a testimonial dinner will be held in honor of" Faul Connery of Norwalk.

Democratic national commiueeman, and Mrs. Mary Flynn this town. Democratic national committeewoman. Chester Bowles and all candidates on the Democratic state ticket are scheduled to. be present.

Dinner will be served at 7 o'clock. Arrangements for the -state-wide gathering were made by Stephen K. Elliott of this town, and Harold Skidd of Norwalk. Annual Meeting The annual meeting for shareholders in the Southington Building and Loan Association -will be held al 8 o'clock this evening in the new quarters the Professional Building the "corner of Main Street and Berlin Avenue. Reports for the year will be submitted and election to membership on the Board of Directors will take place.

Hunters Return: Dr. Talberg, Albert C. Bassett and John L. Lerehan returned yesterday from a huntin trip to Bashlong Lake, Northern Canada. Excellent hunting.

was reported by the men. each. bringing home a deer as evidence. Fire at, Inn Engine Company No. 1 was called Saturday at 12:30 o'clock to the C'Mon Inn, North Liberty Street.

to take care of a blaze caused by a pot of grease in the kitchen. Slight damage resulted to the inn or its furnishings, but George Wrinn, provrietor, was burned on the face hands and was treated by Dr. and George M. Connor. Full military honors will be paid Lt.

Harold Leslie Limmer, whose body arrived 111 Meriden at 2 2:02 o'clock this afternoon. The body, met by a delegation of town officials aud meinbers of local patriotic organizations, was taken to the Gould funeral home, 130 North Street, and will go from there to the Limmer home on Norton Street. Friends may call at the home tonight from 7 until 3 clock. On. Tuesday the body will be removed Ato St.

Paul's Episcopal Church, where it will lie. state from 11 o'clock until 2 o'clock, when the funeral' service will be held. The service will be conducted by the Rev. E. Robert Newton, rector of St.

Paul's Church and burials will be In the family Not in South End cemetery. At the cemetery a firing squad composed of members of Sichar-Gura Post, V.F.W., will render the final salute. The regular meeting for members Kiltonic Post American Legion, scheduled for this evening at American Legion Hall will be held at 7:30 clock and will be short, so AS to permit members to. proceed in a body to the Limmer home. Members who have uniforms are requested to wear them.

Lt. Limmer was killed in battie action in France September 1944. He is the son Mr. and Mrs. on, Charles Limmer of Norton Street, Milldale.

Mrs. William R. Pearce Mrs. Grace Pearce of 61 Soutn Main Street, Plantsville, widow of William R. Pearce, died at the McCulley convalescent home on Sunda, following a long illness.

Mrs. Pearce had been a resident in this town during the past forty years and attended St. Thomas Church. She survived by three brothers, Edward Black of South Meriden; George Black of Meriden and John Black of Cheshire. The funeral will be held on Tuesday- morning at 8:15 o'clock from the.

Hallahan funeral home at 208 Meriden Avenue and with services at. 9 o'clock at St. Thomas Church. Burial will be in Sacred Heart cemetery, Meriden. Friends may call at the funeral home this evening from 7 to 10 o'clock.

Fire at Dr. Gura's Home Engine Company No. 1 was called shortly after 8 o'clock this morning to the home of Dr. George M. Gura; North Main Street.

"The fire was in the upper section of the dwelling and considerable damage was, done. A call was sent in from box 21, at the corner of North Main and Hobart Streets The firemen had ditficulty -in getting the apparatus away from the fire house because the doors were jammed and A5 an emergency measure the town's ambulance was sent to the scene of the blaze with a fire extinguisher and a call was sent in -for the Plantsville fire company. Both pieces of fire apparatus arrived at the tire simultaneously. Edward E. Limmer, 31, of 39.

North Spring Street, Meriden was arrested this morning by Policemen Trian and Hobson, on a charge of speed-'and ing on Meriden- -Waterbury Road, Milldale. Anthony S. Mactson, 20, of 10 Alden Street. Bristol, was given a court summons after it 1 had. been observed that he operated his car through a stop sign at the intersection of- Main Street and Old Turnpike Road.

Election Costs Reports filed by treasurers of local political committees indicate that the Democrats received $474.45 COMBINATION Storm Sash and Screens installed: and operated entireIs from Inside. For estimate. Phone Southington 267. between hours of 12 Noon and o'clock and 6 and 1 In the Evening. ALTERATIONS, Repairing, new sipper for pockets and special attention to "Sadden Service." Towne Dry Cleaners.

Phone 457. BABY Shoes Bronzed at factory prices. WIll call for and deliver. Faust Mon. gillo, 50 Matthews Street, Southingtem.

Phone 658, ONE Day Service, Dry Cleaning Pressing. Towne Dry Cleaners. FOR Setter Selection, Better Quality Better Secvice and Better Faines, iShop Kay Faralture Southington, WALLINGFORD Charles E. Stockwell Correspondent Telephone 2124 Program For Navy Day Arranged; Submarine Base Officer Speaker WALLINGFORD In Bygone Days Happenings Selected trom Journa: Files 25 YEARS AGO TODAY October 25, 1923 Honeymoon couple in auto accident here ordered to appear in court. Speaker here says Rotary idea 'grew from Wallingford where in 1870 real community spirit existed.

Fourteen men sign for Yalesville Volunteers Fire department. 50 YEARS AGO TODAY October 25, 1898 Excitement here in Are that burned barn on Valley Street. Two new streets opened Highland Park named Columbia and Stetson with 24 lots sold "there. "Shore Acres" here at Opera House tomorrow. Republican caucus to nominate Judge of Probate.

at the Stony Greek Juvenile Grange, Branford, October 29 at 7:30. p. m. A Halloween party for Cub Scouts, their mothers, and their fathers will be held at the town hall tonight at 7:30. Cubs will come in costume with prizes to be awarded for the best outfits.

Each den will present skit. Final plans are to be made for a football party 6 when the cubs will attend November, King's Point game in New Haven. The following members of the Cheshire Women's Club attended the luncheon meeting of the Southington: Women's Club at Waverly Inn Friday: Mrs. Paul Maxon, Mrs. Vincent T.

McGrane, Mrs. Theron French and Mrs. Michael Fischer. L. A.

Thomas Lodge meets in Odd Fellows' Hall tonight at 8: The second ound of the Cheshire Bowling League will under way at the local alleys tonight at 7. when the Red Sox will oppose the Yankees in alleys 1 and 2 and the White Sox will oppose the Legion in alleys 3 and 4. Tomorrow night at 7, the Tigers will oppens the Athletics in alleys 1 and 2 and the Indians will oppose the Browns in alleys 3 and 4. A meeting of the New. Haven County Pomona Grange will be held at Masonic Temple, Hamden, tonight at 7:30.

Henry. Linton of Cheshire will perform magic feats as a feature of the progrfam. The International Relations Group of the Cheshire Women's Club will meet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wentworth L.

Beattie tomorrow at 8 p. The speaker will be H. D.F Dotivala of Bombay, India, who 1 is visiting in the United States and doing special research work at the Bristol Bristol, Conn. Prior to the meeting, Dotivala will be a dinner: guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs.

Vincent T. McGrane. The ways and means committee of the Cheshire Women's Club is sponsoring a dessert bridge at the First Congregational Church Friday, starting at 1:15 p. m. A food sale will be held in conjunction with the bridge party.

For reservations Mrs. Albert Bray or Mrs. Reinhard should be contacted. The Choir Guild of the First Congregational Church will hold first meeting of the season in the Ladies' Aid parlor Thursday at 1 p. m.

All mothers of choir members are urged to attend. Miss Alida Huxley, of West Main Street, is expected Wednesday night. She has been visiting relatives and friends in San Francisco, for the last two weeks. She made the trip from LaGuardia. Airport and is returning by plane.

Truman's Visit To Hartford (Continued from Sports Page) begin at once, the President riding in an open car. The route will be from Spruce Street and Asylum to Ford, to Pearl, across Main Street to Central Row and then down Prospect Street to the Times. Building To Be Closed The Times building will be closed during the President's stay on the portico. The only people on the portico will be the reception committee, band and Times employes. At 11:20, the President will return to his auto, and the procession will return to the train.

Thomas J. Dodd, who made one of the seconding speeches for President Truman at the national will be among guests on the portico, Republican State Chairman Harold E. Mitchell announced that Gov. Dewey will make 15-minute stops at New London, New Haven and Bridgeport on the final leg of his campaign tour en route back to New York from a Boston appearance. His train is scheduled to arrive at New London at 1:55 p.

Friday; New Haven at 3:10 p. and Bridgeport at 3:55 p. m. He will leave the train at New London and New Haven and speak from nearby platforms. At Bridgeport he will speak from the train platform, Wallaceites plan a 100-car motorcade for Wallace through New Haven streets at 6 p.

m. prior to his Arena appearance. Fires on U.S. farms cost the nation $200,000,000 annually and destroy enough lumber to build 25,000 homes. Dersonal Laragraphs SOCIETY EVENTS Hobby Show Plymouth Dept.

A Hobby and Antique Show is to be sponsored by the Plymouth Department of the First Congregational Church on the afternoon and evening of November 30 In the church building. contacted Organizations by in mail town and have invited been to display their hobby collections. Some organizations may have been overlooked and they are asked to contact Mrs. Donald Knight, North. Pearl Street, if they are interested in participating in this show.

There may be many individuals in Meriden who have hobby exhibits or antique exhibits which would like to enter in this show. may there receive further information by contacting Mrs. Knight. Notification of Intention to enter an exhibit must be received by Mrs. Knight by November 15.

O. H. CARD PARTY TOMORROW EVENING Division 15 of the Ladies' Auxiliary to the Ancient Order of Hibernians will hold a card party at A. O. Hall, State Street, tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock.

Any card game may be played and persons making up tables are asked to bring their own cards. Prizes will be awarded to each table there will also be door prizes and refreshand ments will be served. Mrs. Della Stacey is chairman of the event being assisted by a. committee which includes Mrs.

Agnes Stohr, Mrs. Mabel Borriello, Mrs. Catherine Toohey, Mrs. Nellie Jones, Mrs. Mary Carroll, Mrs.

Anna Mitney, Mrs. Ruth Galvin, Mrs. Helen Gilmartin and Mrs. Susan Wood. Those wishing to make reservations may do so by calling Mrs.

Stacey at 6444-J. TRI-C CLUB The Tri-C Club of Center Congregational Church will meet at the church Thursday evening at 8 0'- clock. Following the regular meeting Hugh Thompson will give a on recordings. The Woman's Society of Trinity Methodist Church will hold a rummage and food sale tomorrow, starting at 10 o'clock in the morning. VFW AUXILIARY VFW AUXILIARY La Croix-Murdock Auxiliary, No.

585, Veterans of Foreign Wars, will distribute gifts to the patients at Undercliff on Wednesday. IMMANUEL MISSIONARY Members of the Woman's Missionary Society of Immanuel Lutheran Church who plan to attend the conference in Hartford are asked to at the railroad station to 8:40 train row morning. tomormeet, MERIDIAN LODGE Meridian Lodge, No. 77. A.

F. and A. will hold district deputy night this evening with a supper at 6:30 o'clock in the Masonic Temple. Supper tickets will be available at the door. GUESTS ENJOY HALLOWEEN PARTY guests the masquerade.

parere presenance sponsored by the Disabled American Veterans Auxiliary. Saturday night. Dancing and games were enjoyed and a buffet luncheon was served. Awards were made as follows: To Victor Lastrogato, of South. Norwalk, Mrs.

Marjorie Thompson, of this city, for the best dressed; to Mrs. Mary Lastrogato and Hermus Poirter, both of Scuth. Notwalk, most original; to Mrs. Ledo Gormley and Mrs. Violet Vecchitto, funniest.

The 1200 Club of All Saints' Church will meet at o'clock this evening at the parish house. Members are requested to wear work clothes. St. Rose's Guild will receive Holy Communion in a body next Sunday morning, October 31, at the 7:30 o'clock Mass. GOP HEADQUARTERS Republican campaign have been opened at East Main Street, Room, 8, an publicity headquarters 11 Hanover Street, for workers' headquarters Both are well supplied with campaign material including posters, car stickers, buttons and leaflets.

3RD WARD GOP WOMEN MEET WEDNESDAY The Third Ward Women's Republican Club will hold its regular meeting at the home of Mrs. Nellie Godburn, 67 Evansville Avenue, South Meriden, Wednesday, evening at 8 o'clock. After the meeting there will be a social hour with prizes awarded and refreshments served. FRIENDLY CIRCLE The Avenue annual church o'clock. attend earned.

Friendly Circle of the Park Bantist Church will held its business meeting at the Wednesday at: 8 All rembers are- urged to and bring their dollars Russia Vetoes Compromise Plan (Continued from Paze One, delegates would not talk about it there. The Russian Plan The Russian plan, one said, called for lifting of the Perlin blockade by stages. in conjunction with currency revision and other adtustments of the German problem. The West has insisted that the Russians must lift the blockade before further direct negotiations take place. The Security Council met at 5:40 p.

m. (11:40 a.m., EST) to take up Berlin case again. United States, British, France and neutral: delegates considered the Russian plan for en hour at a meetin the apartment of Juan Atilio Bramuglia, Argentine foreign minister and acting president of the Security Council. After the decision was reached against the Russian plan, Bramuglia went to tell Vishinsky the Western answer. The delegates, more serious than usual, went immediately to the Palais De Chaillat for a meeting of the Security Council, which was delayed two hours for their conference.

Bramuglia was reported to have tried to convince the neutrals and the Western group they shold accept a new draft he prepared after he saw. Vishinsky twice last night. Dawn Patrol Post Meeting Wednesday Dawn Patrol. Post 1, Legion of Guardsmen. will meet Wednesday at 6:30 o'clock at the Ritz, corner of Hanover and South Grove Streets, for a "Dutch treat" supper.

Immediately following, there will be an entertainment. After the program, the business meeting will be held. All members are requested to attend the entire session, and all who are eligible to become members are cordially invited to join the Post. other edible roots from Holland I and Flanders as early as 1510. Dewey's Victory In New York Seen HOWARD H.

PECK Correspondent Phone 607 in contributions and spent all but $5.55 in costs incident to the recent biennial al town election. The Republicaus started balance of $350 and received contributions amounting to $463.74 and after F. PANIARCE of expenses there remains of $474.04. Upson Tent Meeting Elizabeth Upson Tent, Daughters of Union Veterans, will hold an inspection meeting at Odd Fellows' hall this evening. The business meeting will be preceded by a supper served at 6:30 o'clock.

Mrs. Helen Brown, department president, and Mrs. Edith Hall, department inspector, will be present at the business meeting. Each member is requested to bring an article to be at the penny auction. Unico Award Chairman Carl P.

Verderame of Water Street has been selected by the Unico, Club to be chairman of the Medal Award Committee for the 'current year. This will be the fourth consecutive year- in which the Unico Club has selected a local individual whose services to the town has been outstanding. Previous awardees have Edwin S. Todd; William E. Smith and John P.

McGrath. At meeting of the Unico Club to be held on Wednesday, November 17, Mr. Verderame will make announcement of a sub-committee to make arrangements for the annual event, probably to be held in February. Annual Devotion The annual devotion of. "'The Forty Hours" which was begun at St.

Thomas' Church on Sunday morn11 o'clock mass, will come to an end on Tuesday morning at the 7:30 o'clock mass. Teacher's Convention Teacher's Convention The teachers will hold a convention on Friday and there will be no session in local school. Local teachers will attend conventions either in Hartford or Bridgeport. Gura--Minor Gura--Minor Mr. and Mrs.

Earl Minor of Cheshire-Milldale Road, have announced the marriage of their daughter, Miss Zora Margaret Minor, to John Clement Gura, son Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Gura Bristol Street, this of town. The couple was married at St.

Bridget's Church. Cheshire, on Saturday morning, by the Rev. Patrick McCarthy, pastor of that church. The bride, given in marriage her father, was attended by her sister, Mrs. Arthur Reinhard, of Cheshire, as matron-of-honor and the Misses Carol Happy of Seymour, Miss Gertrude Gura of this town, and Mrs.

Robert A. Hardy -of Hamden as bridesmaids. Susan Reinhard of Cheshire was flower girl. Dr. George M.

Gura, brother of the groom, was best man and ushers at the church were Messrs. George Cacheck, William Dlugos and Charles Hobson, all of this town. George Gura and Robert Diugos, nephews of the groom, were altar boys, serving the Mrs. Grace presided at the organ. Following the church ceremony, a reception was held at Community Hall, Milldale.

The bride is a graduate of the Hamden High School and Laurel Bustness College. and is employed at the office of the Clark Bros. Bolt Companw in Milldale. The groom is a graduate of Lewis High School and Goodwin Technical School, Britain. Me is a of World War II.

Mrs. Mary C. O'Brien Mrs. Paul Kennedy has been called to Hartford because of the death of her sister, Mrs. Mary C.

O'Brien. The funeral was held today with services at St. Michael's Church, Hartford. Burial was in Mt. St.

Benedict Cemetery, Hartford. Severin Eberhardt of North Main Street is a surgical patient at the Bradley Memorial Hospital. Engine Company No. 1 will meet this. evening at 7:30 o'clock at the Center Street.

fire house. The weekly meeting and dinner of the Southington Exchange. Club a will be held at. 6:15 o'clock this evening. A special meeting of Engine Company No.

2 will be held at 6:15 o'- clock at the Plantsville fire house. -Scouts of the First Congregational Church will meet at Scout quarters at the church this evening at 7 o'clock, The town's six voting machines will be set up early this week, four in the basem*nt of American Legion hall and two at the Plantsville fire house. Machines will -be demonstrated on Thursday, Friday Saturday evenings. Egypt's Complaint To Be Heard Tues. (Continued from Page One) tariat general, said "Truman and.

Dewey are outbidding each other on Palestine policy in order to win over The Truman and Dewey statements broke what appeared to have been a truce on Palestine during the U. S. presidential election. Both the President and the Republican Party candidate supported the original partition plan of last November, giving the Negev to Israel. The political committee of the U.

N. General Assembly has delayed three times taking up the Bernadotte report. The U. S. and Britain originally asked that it be made the first item business.

Arab states and -American republics defeated that proposal. Since then, the U. S. delegation has remained quiet. The silence provoked a Soviet bloc charge that the Palestine case Was being put back until after the November 2 election.

The football game between the Cheshire Townies, sponsored by the American Legion, and the Fairlawn A. Waterbury, scheduled for Legion Field yesterday was not played. The Junior Ladies' Aid of the Methodist Church meets at the some Brooksvale of Mrs. Road, Percy tonight at McLellan, o'clock. The Board of Trustees of the Methodist Church re-elected Melville Bennett chairman and Robert Johnson secretary and treasurer yesterday.

Academy scored in every period to defeat the Springfield College 24-0 at Cheshire Saturday. It was the second win for the Cheshire team in three starts. They were tied by the Connecticut University Frosh in the opening game of the season. Three applications will be heard at a public meeting of the Zoning Commission at the Town Hall tomorrow at 8 p. m.

The application of Frank L. Rice asks foes a change of classification from residence A to residence of a tract of land containing 30 acres, more or less, on the south side of Waterbury Road. The property is located about 1,000 feet west of the Cheshire Heights School, William Crowe has made application for a change of classification from residential A to residential of property located on Cornwall Avenue and Higgins Road. The tract contains about twenty acres. Philip Coppeto of Waterbury has made application for a change in classification from residence to business of property on the Waterbury Road; to permit the construction of an outdoor theatre.

The property is located at the junction of Ten Mile River, on the north side of the highway, and extends west 700 feet to 8 depth of 800 feet. Battery C. 211th Automatic Weapohs Battalion 'of the 103rd AAA Brigade, CNG, will drill at the Meriden Armory tomorrow night. Transportation leaves the Town Hall at 7:15 p. m.

Battery is preparing for a Federal inspection "which is scheduled for Nov. 16. The Battery is trying to form a basketball team, a small bore rifle team, and a competitive drill team. Lee Darsch of Maple Avenue, recently joined the unit. The first meeting of a new study group, which is being formed to consider the structure of local governand the functions of she sevferal town offices, will be hela at the home of Mr.

and Mrs. R. Blake Russell, Brooksvale, tonight at 3. Mrs. Roscoe Steffan, Hamden, a League of Women Voters discussion leader, will be present.

Carl Bernhardt, took the sixth degree at the 64th annual session of the Connecticut State Grange at Foot Guard Hall, Hartford, recently. Attending the sessions from Cheshire were Merton Foskett, Master, Foskett, Mrs. Lucius Hale, Juvenile Matron, Mr. Hale, Mr and Mrs. Carl Bernhardt, and Gordon Bain.

Mrs. Marion Comstock, matron of Crescent Chapter, OES, attended the meeting of Evergreen Chapter, Naugatuck, recently. Visiting Matrons and Patrons night was observed. Mrs. Comstock: took the chair of Esther for the degree work Mr.

and Mrs. C. Alfred Ward, Mr. and Mrs. Milford Trethowan, Mrs.

Richard Williams, Miss Pearl French, Miss Gloria Johnson, Mrs. Frederick Lamerton, Mrs. Edward Williams, Mrs. William Verner, and Mars, Emerson Jeralds, members of Marion Rebekah Lodge, I. 0.

0. attended the "neighbors night" program at Anchor Lodge, Meriden, recently. About $400 was raised by the Women's Association of the First Congregational Church from the recent auction according to a report made by Mrs. Nelson J. Williams and Mrs.

Ralph Strickland, co-chairman Naugatuck woman and two Naugatuck children were Injured late Friday night when the car in which they were riding left the Cheshire- Wallingford Road, struck a sandbank, and overturned. Treated at the office of Dr. W11- bur J. Moore, Cheshire, were Mrs. Louise Nissen, who sustained a scalp laceration and abrasions about the body; George Doty 8, and Muriel 7, who both sustained body abrasions.

The car was reported operated by Ingward Nissen, 56. The condition of Frank Reinhard, Milldale Road, a patient: at Bradley Memorial Hospital, Southington, reported to be fair. He suffered broken neck and a spinal injury in fall from a tree while picking spples recently. Crescent Chapter, OES, will hold banquet in honor of Worthy Grand Matron Mrs. Grace Grindal of Bristol and her associate grand officers at Waverly Inn tomorrow at 6:30 p.

m. prior to the regular meeting in Grange Hall at 8-p. m. After the meeting at the hall, reception will be held for the past matron and present Grand Father, Mrs. Coral Moore.

The Cheshire Juvenile Grange will hold the installation of officers Grange Hall tomorrow afternoon following school. Mrs. Lucius Hale, matron, and her installing team, Barbara Dayton, marshal; Earla Kurtz, pianist; Mary Jane Nyberg. regalia bearer; Ellen Richards, emblem and Barbara Dayton, soloist; will conduct the installation of the following officers: master, Wayne White; overseer. Charles Clark; lecturer, Paul Mead; steward, Edwin Canales; assistant steward, Merrill Moore; chaplain, Larry Kelly; treasurer, Phyllis Casertano; secretary, Mary Jane Nyberg; gate keeper, George Kelly; Ceres, Barbara Foskett; Pomona, Maryalyce KelPly; Flora, Marilyn Moore; lady 88- sistant steward, June Foskett; three members of the executive committee, Phillip Canales, Conrad Fiftal, and Nicholas Casertano.

Mrs. Lucius Hale, state deputy of the New Haven County Pomona Grange, and her installing team will conduct an installation of officers The Navy Day program under the sponsorship of Shaw-Simon Post 73, American Legion, with Warren Granucci, chairman, and First Selectman Edward H. Leonard, honorary chairman, will take place in the auditorium of the Lyman Hall High School tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock. The speaker for the exercises will be Lieutenant Commander We C. Walsh, attached to the New London submarine base.

The Lyman Hall band under the direction of Richard Otto will play several appropriate selections. The public is invited to take part in the program. No admission will be charged. Democratic Women's Club The Federated Democratic Wom-. en's Club will meet tonight at 8 o'clock at the home.of Mrs.

Rose Kignell, 449 North Main Street. Mrs. Nora Trowbridge has announced that several matters of importance will be discussed. The class of 1918, Lyman Hall High School will hold a reunion in St. George's Inn on Thursday, November 11, at 6 p.

m. Reservations may be made by contacting Mrs. Leslie Rundle 1691. A public supper will be sponsored by the Wesleyan Guild of the odist Church on Thursday night, November 4. Movies of the Yale-Wisconsin game will be shown tonight at 8 o'clock at the Y.M.C.A, through the courtesy of Joseph Kuczo, Members and others are invited.

In Police Argument Jack M. Schaefer of 23 Hillcrest Road WAS arrested late Saturday night on charges of vilifying an officer, following an argument at police headquarters with Lieutenant John DeLucia. He is under $50 bond for appearance in borough court Saturday morning. Schlaefer came to police headqua-ters at midnight with. Joseph Trybulski, who had a tag affixed to his car, charged with parking on the Ryan property adjoining the PNA Hall.

Police stated that Trybusk! did not object to paying the $1 fine imposed, but that Schlaefer becamewabusive, and refused to leave headquarters when ordered to do so. Body Returned The body of Sergeant Michael J. Pranzetelli was returned to Wallingford this afternoon at 1:54 for burial in his family plot at St. John's The funeral will take place at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning from the Thomes E. Fitzgerald Funeral Home, 43 Church Street, and a solemn high mass of requiem will be celebrated in Holy Trinity Church at 9 o'clock.

Choate Defeats Kent The Choate eleven defeated Kent on Saturday, to 0. This was the first time the t'vo schools had met in ten years. On their return to town Saturday evening the players and students of Choate were met at the railroad station by a police escort. and paraded with red fire to the school campus, where a celebration was held. John Musso John Musso.

63, of 57 Maple Street, died late Friday night in New Haven Hospital after a short illness. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Candita Musso, one son, two daughters. a brother, three grandchildren, and several nieces and nephews. The funeral will be held at a.

m. Wednesday, from the Thomas E. Fitzgerald Funeral Home, 43 Church Street, and at 9 o'clock from Most Holy Trinity Church. Burial will be in St. John's Cemetery.

W. Morris Frank William Mo is, 72, of 144. South Main Street, died yesterda morning in the New Haven Hospita' after a short illness. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Grace E.

Mill Morris. Friends may call at the C. Bailey Funeral Parlors, 264 Center Street, tonight from 7 to 9 p. m. The funeral wil be held from his home Tuesday at 2:30 p.

with the Rev Earl W. Allen, pastor cf the First Baptist Church, officiating, Burial will be in In Memoriam etery. Palestine Problem Gets Top Spot (Continueu From Page One) flicting Arab and Jewish claims. And he voiced the hope that the plan now under study can be used as a basis of negotiation. The Palestine issue is a touchy one in all of the cities where Mr.

Truman and Dewey will voice their final appeals for votes. The two candidates will speak 24 hours apart in Chicago, Cleveland and Boston. Both have addresses booked in New York City. Mr. Truman spent 14 hours back at the White House yesterday after his Pennsylvania swing, climaxed by a Pittsburgh speech Saturday night.

The President likened Dewey there to a doctor who says the American people need a major operation even though they are "feeling fine and never had a brighter future." Dewey's aides said he will close out his campaign by holding to his theme that a Republican victory would be a unifying influence for the country. Henry Wallace, speaking from Newark, N. last night, called upon the U.S., Russia and Britain to pull their troops out of Germany and leave the occupation chore to six "small" countries. Wallace listed the six as France, Belgium, The Netherlands, Luxembourg, Poland and Czechoslovakia. He said: "The time has come to change Gefmany from a tinder box into neutral zone." 18 Your Home Chilly These Nights? call D.

D. Thomas. Phone 1700 for Free Demonstration of Rusco All Metal Self-Storing Storm Bask. (Continued from Page One) Republican John Ellis, 35-years-oid Navy veteran and Wall Streeter, and John P. Morrissey, a Tammany district leader.

In the 24th (Bronx) District, the House's only other American Laborite. Rep. Leo Isacson, is up against Democratic State Senator- Isadore Dollinger, who has the endorsem*nt of the Republican, and Liberal parties. is part of a deal with Republicans by Bronx Democratic Leader Edward J. Flynn to freeze out the ALP.

Isacson, a vociferous Wallace supporter, won a spectacular special election last spring. In the 1ith Congressional District (Brooklyn), the Democratic Rep. Abrabam J. Multer, 15 having a tooth and nail fight with the ALP nominee, Lee Pressiuan. Pressman, a leading Wallace supporter, was general counsel of the CIO for about 12 years.

Republican and Liberal nominations went to Multer, Upstate there are several spirited fights for congressional seats held by Republicans, but GOP sources predict all their candidates will pull through. The state legislature is expected to remain overwhelmingly Republican. USWV To Hold 38th Annual Banquet Mrs. Madelyn P. Carr, of this city, department president of the United Spanish War Veterans Auxiliary, announced today that the 38th annual department banquet will be held in Waterbury Sunday, November 7 in the Hotel Elton at'1 p.m.

The Commander Charles R. Barefoot Department of Ohio: Henry H. Hunt, Department of Connecticut, Senior Vice Commander in Chief; department commanders and auxiliary department presidents from all the New England states have accepted invitations and will be present for the occasion. Mrs. Mary Ross McKay, Department of Ohio, President of the National Auxiliary will be in Connecticut for several days prior to ing the bafiquet.

Russia consumes 500,000 frankfurters a day. HENRY WALLACE QUESTIONS MON. WTIC 10:30) Oct. 25 1080 P.M. WED.

WERC 10:30 Oct. 27. 1380 P.M. THURS. WELI 8:30 Oct, 28.

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Phone: +2613987384138

Job: Chief Retail Officer

Hobby: Tai chi, Dowsing, Poi, Letterboxing, Watching movies, Video gaming, Singing

Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.