The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

CLASSIFIED THE SPRINGFIELD EMPLOYMENT LIVESTOCK MERCHANDISE Male Help--Salesmen 33A -Dogs, Cats. Pets Articles for Sale. 51 LUMBER SALESMAN- hAve An un- AKO GERMIAN Shephard pups for male. SHOES MIEN'S BOYS') -Roller-ire skates, usual opportunity for man with experi- 2-5071, bought-sold. Victor's Shoes, 2477 Main, to ence call in on lumber.

contractors and and building home materials, AKC REG. Collie puppies. Phone Holyoke SPRING Rayon Taff. comforttn Springfield area for long established builders 4014, Mra, Sherman Clark, 45 Central er, 5 yr. mothproot guar.

Reg. $24.93 local retail yard. Reply to Box 1k. Drive. Holyoke.

now 1-8 on C.O.D, orders. Call 474 Union "office. AQUARIUM complete with everything. 21 p. 111.

SALESMAN part or full time to sell 011 Kels. West Spud. reasonable. BOARD. 2-0459.

two, 22 ft. Jong. Very SHUFFLE commission basis for new Western BOXER pups up. Boxer Farma, VerMass. Distributor of commercial res4 Conn.

Tel. Rockville 5-2213. SCREENS made any size, Porches screened idential air-conditioning units, Box 147 BOXER Reg. aire champion In. screens repaired.

Tel. 7-9733. Union Offire. Mazelaines keynote, 10 wka. old.

E. USED nought sold. Stratto's WANTED: Reliable: man witli cat A 'Mottle 69 Bridge W. Spfid. Sport Shop.

2214 Main Successful direct-selling experience Wholesale Dealer for Springfield area. BEAUTIFUL SIAMESE KITTENS, PURH VACUUM CLEANERS never used, full and sential. Should sales have force. ability Write to for recruit inter- GERMAN Shepherd puppies, Thorobred. VENETIAN BRED.

TEL. 7-8972. guarantee. Will take $1 wk. Call 6-7242.

especially: priced at view, Manager, W. T. Rawleigh beautiful. 6 wks. old.

Tel. Holyoke 2-1181 Baked enamel regularly ateel $3.98. Enclosed 'off head box. train. $2.70, Box 1349.

Albany, REG. Boxer puppies $33. Also Be Beagle pups trat tapes. 13 36. white Deliver.

3-0204. tom made to Venetian- Cash blinds carry. and Also cus WANTED ROUTE SALESMAN. nation- window Ally food concern wants TELLOW BREASTED -Tucan and CAnO shades. Springtield Window Shades bifg.

going energetic man for ant established Call 4-8038 after 5.30, Co. 62 Vernon St. 6-3145. route. commission, Call guaranteed at Shuller against Potato lib- Horses, Cattle, Vehicles 48 WINDOW SHADES--Irreg.

on your rollert Salary 8501, 99c up to 8 ft: Pioneer Shade. 8501, commission, 9-3 Call at Shuller Potato '7-9. 450 Broad St. Windsor, Conn Male, Female Help Instruction 35B WANT U. S.

'GOVT Women 19-53. Start high as $SO week. 1- Qualify NOw! 23,000 jobs open. Experience often unnecessary. Get' FREE AR-page.

book showing jobs, salaries, test, require. menis. WRITE BOX. 1300 UNION OFFICE Situations Wanted -Female 36 EXF. WOMAN wants housework by the days $8 carfare.

Rox 134. Union Office; GIRL DESIRES DAY WORK PHONE 6-0649 HAVE TOU VACATION PROBLEMS? A mother, child, relative who must remain at home? 1 a trustworthy guestmother companion I can help you. Driver's license, best refs. Box 1378 Union Office. MACK Raby Sitters Agency.

Exp. reliable women for baby sitting. Excellent refs, Tel. 7-0815. FRACTICAL NURSE AVAILABLE DAYS 2-8322 RELIABLE girl wants baby sitting while mother works.

Box 153 Union Office. TYPING DONE- Thesis Manuscripts, letters, postcards, envelopes etc. 4-8970. TYPING. BILLING.

Addressing envelopes done at home 9-3167. WOMAN desires position 89 matron. for cleaning offices. Exper. Phone WOMAN wants ironing at home.

Tel 6-0394. WOMAN with grill counter experience wants good Job days or nights. Dial mornings. Mrs. Jackson.

WASHING IRONING wanted to do at P. home. Call 3-9418. TOUNG MOTHER will CArA for 1 or children at home days. Tel.

1-0530. Situations Wanted--Male 37 ARTIST 3 vra. experience advertlaing tech. Illus- layout, Illustration. retouching tration.

Box 162 Union Office. A-1 CARFENTER wants house framing. finish, repairs. cabinets. 11 3-4820.

A would like part time work in ma chine job shop. Experience on ton's for years. Has held big Jobs. Phone 4-0174. COLLEGE GRAD.

R. S. degree. Bus. Adm.

614 yrs. exper. in Casualty fire insurance. Presently 'employed in Hartford, nould consider position for future in Spfid. with A branch offica.

or general agency. Box 88B Union Office. DRAFTSMAN- Graduate of International Correspondence Nchool. 3 yr. course in in toot design.

Tel. 3-4163. tool design. A Also 6 mths. practical exp.

EXPER. CLEANER desires work cleaning offices, or priv. home. Ph. 3-7160.

EXP. GARDNER wishes work on launs or any general work. EXPERIENCED welder, gAS and electric: graduate Lincoln Welding School, desires position as repair or maintenance MAn. Also experienced in farm machinery Box 1390 Union JOB WANTED: Housecleaning of all sorts hy experienced young man. Tel.

4-2812. MARRIED MAN wants odd Jobs. Call 9-6234 after 6 p. REGISTERED PHARMACIST avil. for part time work.

W. Gordenstein, 672 Dickinson St. 2-0373. RETIRED, dependable man work watchman 1 or 2 nights weak, Box 142 Union Office. Several years experience 3a SEWING MACHINE MECHANIC, chines, Single Multipul Needles, Zig Tag.

Fargotis, etc. Can give references. Write Box 1593. Union Office. WELDER 14 yrs.

exp. ArC. gAS, heliarc, aircraft pressure vessels certification. Desires a steady position. Box 140 Union Office.

TOUNG LAWYER 29 vra. old. Member of Mass. Bar In general practice 4 yrs. Married Wants administrative or legal work with a future.

Box 1101,, Union Office. YOUNG man, grad. Wharton School of Finance, MBA degree in Ind. minor industrial relations, degree in Bus, accts. major, 4 years business experience desires placement with progressive co.

Box 132, Union Office. FINANCIAL Business 38 AROUT TO SELL YOUR RUSINESS: 2-3700 DOLAN-GRADY. EVE. 7-3816. A FULL liq.

lic. bus, Tel. 4-6437 No agents. W. ATTRACTIVE.

modern Restaurant. 10 location. Reasonable Rent. Forced to 11- quidate at a Barsaln Prire, KITTREDGE'S 99873 BERKSHIRES! Enjoy the income from this fully licensed pkg. store: on stat highway.

Comfortable 5-rm. liv, quarters and 4 acres with fragrant pine. grove. Inventory at gAle. TAKE OVER! $20.500.

D. E. EHRGOOD. Broker. Tol.

2121. BE TOUR OWN hoss. insure security for your family, increase your income with A Sunoco franchise, now AVailable for at Riverdalo and Elm West 20,000 gal. station. moderate investment.

Call Mr. Swanson after m. or week ends Spfld. 2-3326 or Holyoke CAFE Full liquor license. Finest neighhorhond trade.

Records show wkly. business. Net $20,00) yr. Long lease. Will 4-1620 or 8-0697.

CONF. VARIETY -Finest Bus. Inventory Make offer. 134 Eastern A Ave. after 5 NO.

Apt. Avail. Sell or partnership. pm. COUNTRY INN nite club.

Low price. Rox 167. Union Office. DELICATESSEN STORE pastry shop for sale. Iliness of owner.

Sacrifice. 7-4880. 9-0184 between 4-ti p. DENTAL. OFFICE, for sale, all equipment.

Tel. 7-0909 or 2-2888. DRIVE-IN. Snack Bar (rinse bel compart setup, easy operation Doing $1000 wkly, Unusual opport. Box 173 Union Office.

ESTABLISHED maintenance window cleaning business. Box 138 Union Office. GROCERY STORE with property. Price $10,000, Doing $1500 wk. Box 109, Union Office.

HOT DOG Ice Cream stand vic. Lake Concamond. $275. Tel. T'villa 1 5-3630.

HAVE BUYERS for any good paying busin-. SHAH REALTY CO, 1618 Main St. HIGHWAY Frozen Custard A sandwich 1 stand. No triflers. Box 171 Union Office MOTOR COURT 10 units.

9 rm. house, near Spfld. Write Box 471 Union Office. OIL BUSINESS (not FAR. sta.) Fuel oil PAles service.

3 trucks, gal. RAY tanke. SIEENEY $14.000 SON p. yr. Only NE PACKAGE STORE.

Thompsonville, center of town. Eat. 14 low rent reasonably priced. Tel. Thompsonville RI 3-4851 or RI 5-4097.

room house. large garage, gag station, RUSSELL RD. on Route 20, Westfield, 3 4 acres 'of land, large chicken coup. Income $.600 annually. Asking for everything.

For garage gas station: only Felix D'Alessio Real Es. tate Agency, 218 Elm Westfield Tel. 1307. RESTAURANT Full -liquor. Dance fir.

T' Villa. Beat -offer. MUST SETTLE ESTATE. one man mAchine shop well equipped. Call 6-0970 'any time, FARNTER wanted- to invest $15,000 for one halt interest in growing leather goods business, to have complete charge of purchasing polling.

Investment Assured for one Spar. We hare salesmen that Are covering our product from coast to coast. I have 35 year production designing background- in the leather goods industry. Box 613. Now Bedford.

Mass. PACKAGE STORE VALLEY TOWN EKIRISKI INSURANCE SERVICE INC. TEL. SOUTH DEERFIELD 3-2101 RESTAURANT--Good location, inquire at 14 St. downstairs, VARIETY STORE doing $62,000 and centraly located in city.

Tel. 6-9651. WHOLESALE Greeting Card Stationary Bus. Low Price, P. O.

Box 87. Bus. Opportunities Wanted 38A AUCTIONEER buys stores. estates, closeouts, F. Young, 4-7638 or 2-0471.

BUYER of Stores, mdse. etc. 01 liquidate for you. Ily Gloth 3-4772. machy.

BUYER of stores, merchandise, fixtures, H. Binsky, Auctioneer. 4-3153. INSTRUCTION Private Instruction 45 CONTRACT BRIDGE lessons, group private instructions. 9-6619.

J. Kushner. WILL TEACH Arabic win return for lesEnglish, Will- qualified. Tel. 3-1054." 3 A READY market for horses.

Wilson Mink Farm Somers, 'Conte I 9-4356 BUY Beef Cattle now. then turn out into pasture. Young Hereford, Angus CrOsseS with calves. You will BALer bus at a lower price. Belchertown.

4061, CALF FOR SALE. TELEPHONE 3-4914. EXCEPTIONAL addle inare. Perfect mannered Tel. 2 HIGH prices Cows, Calves, logs, Maspo.

275 School Agawam. 6-7818. PONIES WANTED Tel. 173. Amherst SADDLE.

HORSES. ponies tack, Also horse trucking, D. Jones, No, A.mherat. Tel. 173.

SILVER MANE tail pony in foal. low 3-5106. Stony Brook Stables. Poultry Supplies 49 A TOP. price paid for fowl.

chickens, ca pons and broilers. large capettes are our specialty. Call Frank J. Zelazo, West 3-2310 and ALL KINDS of chickens wanted. Top prices paid at farm, Also pullets for sale.

Impoco's 4-6339. A pultets. BETTER Superman PRICE for ail Poultry kinds -7-3182. of fowl 3 BABY CHICKS--Started co*cker els, pullets White Rocks, sex 'links and Reds, Top notch strains, l'ileh's T'rille Riverview 0- "BABY ROCKS-1. 1.

REDSSEX LINK. TURKEY -GOSLINGS PURIN.A CHOWSSANITATION and SUPPLIES. METE INC. 368 Taylor Street PITONE 2-1194 CHICKS avail. Now Rhode Island red pullets co*ckerels Silver Cross pullets co*ckerels Red Rock cross co*ckerels White Rock straight run.

McKinstry Farms. 135 Mckinstry Chicopee. Tel. 292. HATCHING Reds.

New Hamps W'hita Rocks. Sex-links each week. William's Hatchery, 5-4082, Phompsonville. LIVE PoULTRY, wanted. Premium for White Kaplan, 42 FARPI St.

6-0885. 1800 Sex link old. Begin lay early June. $1.83 e8. Delivery frea large lots: 31.

Crone, Shel. burne Falls Phone 2313.. MERCHANDISE Articles for Sale 51 ments, PIC: We rent just about anything. Trader F.d PAYS for tools, motors, rugs, sports goods, complete stores, etc. 411 St.

James Are. 2-9836. AUTOMATIC gAS hot water heater, cal. capacity. in excellent condition.

Call 6-1869. AS LITTLE AS $1.90 for Wallpaper will redecorate any room 'attractively. Hundreds of washable and suntast patterns in stock at 19 cents. a roll up. Standard Paint Wallpaper, 1872 Main St.

Tel. 9-5437. A CHILD'S chain driven tricycle. Almost new $15. 342W.

Chicopee Falls. RUBBISH barrels. Dube's 6-2204. Wa deliver, BABY STROLLER PRACTICALLY NEW 6-1736 BOY BIKE perfect condition; G. Vacuum Cleaner, upright, reasonable: White Speed Queen washing machine -will sacrifice.

Tel. BACK NUMBER magazines and used books 162 Hanco*ck St. BICYCLES American English made, all sizes. boys girls, with coaster brake balance wheels at special low whole'sale prices. Chapin Specialties, 37.

Lyman Sta COPPER tank with automatic aide arm heater. Oil drum stand. Comb lathe eircular saw jlg saw. Make offer, 60 Lexingion St. Tel.

COIN Vending Machine for 10c bottles. $60. Call T'ville RE CLOTHES POLES shape $13.50. Care Welding. $80 Ray Spud.

3-1427. CHILD'S tabla chair set, doll carriage, 80. hags accordion, CLOTHES POLES made of and pipe. $11 de up. Eastern Pipe Co.


MO. $3.30. 2 MOS. $3. TEL.

4-2449. FOLDING CARRIAGE type stroller. cellent condition $12. LO 7-7360. FREEZER FOR SALE.

CALL 6-6627 FREE 3 ft. STEP LADDER ($3.73 value) gal, of house paint at $6.09 per BROTHERS STATE TAINT STORE FLOOR SANDER. 8" Porter Cable. Used less than a vear. $200 takes it.

Call Southwick 148R21. GAS HEATER. hangs from ceiling, will' heat area 44 70 ft. worth $650, Will sell for $290. All compete, with type and thermostat control.

Good for atore, garAge, Ar warehouse. Cal 0-0012. GUNS FISHING TACKLE bought, sold traded. Call 2-1609. GOLF CLUBS Set of 4 Spalding regis.

tered wooda. Excol. cond 489 Worthington St. 9 30-3 week days. HOME rubhish trailer.

steel with wooden sides hitch. New. Reasonable, Tel. WI 6-4053. LARGE crib mattress.

stroller, comb. radio-phono, table model. 2-1027. LAWN FURNITURE cornices, made de to order. Lawn chairs, $1.97.

2-4812. MONEY TALKS. Sewing machine, beaut. deluxe console, worth Only $73. if you can pay cash.

7-3633. NATIONAL Cash Register, rings, 09.99 7 Diff. items 5 yra. old $150. 1.1 1880.

NEW 12 GA. shotgun. also combination carriage stroller. reas. price.

Edward Goslow, 272 Denver OUTSIDE RED Vermilion. barn fence $3.49 gallon. Poole's l'aint Shop, 4th floor. ODD LOT bundles earn of wallpaper $1 each. P'oole'a Wallpaper Dept.

4th Floor. PAINT SALE A-1 Quality White House l'aint. Formerly $5.49 Gal. Now Gal. 'n 5 Gal.

lots. Semi-Gloss Enninel Dusty Green Reg. $0.95 Gal. Now $2.98 Gal. Western Auto Stores.

2025 Main St. Tel. 4-2129, 838 State Winchester 9-9601. PRESTO DISC. RECORDER- -Model K-8.

Almost new, sacrifice, Chic. 1426-J. PAINT Outside white $1.08. flat white $1.98. Grey floor deck enamel, gal.

White ceiling coat $2.19 gal. 4" paint brushes, 75c, $1, $1.25. LOW'S THRIFTY STORE 213 Worthington St. 8-2173 PLAY PENS $9 95, high chair $6.03. Un' finished chest of drawers $0.95.

Open Tues. Thurs. till 9 p. m. Tanner's Trading Post, 2753 Main' St.

RESEARCH MICROSCOPE $250 CASH. TEL. 3-8318 AFTER 5 P. M. PORCH CHAIRS RECOVERED Wall tents boat "covers, all United CanVAR.

292 Park West Spfld. 7-0005. PLUMBING SUP'PLIES closet comb. $22.85. 18x15 china Jav.

with mixing faucet and drain plug, $14.80. 5 ft. C. 1. recess tub, $09.

Copper tubing in 50 ft. coils, .20 per ft. Youngatown Rink cab. with trim. $99.16.

Low's Thrifty Store, 213 Worthington: St. 3-2173. SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK- -Complete material for A 12x12 Celotex Ceiling only $23.42. Easy to put up. Try it.

Springfield Lumber 61 Page Blvd. Tel. SEWING MACHINE--Brand new, round bobbin and forward. grams. embroiders, Aver pins.

20 yr. guarantee. Sold for $129. Sacrifice $39.97. Call 4-8424.

SEWING, MACHINE: brand new, round for: $35. will take weekly payments. bobbin does everything, wIll sacrifice Call 6-7242. ALL ALUMINUM self-storing combina-. tion windows nationally advertiesd $15.83.

any size house window! Call 9-9613 for free home demonstration. ALUMINUM CHAIRS chaise lounges, contour chairs, yacht chairs. beach rests, beach umbrellas tables, all at wholes sale prices. Come in See for yourself. ALl GRADUATION GIFTS.

Benrus Chapin. Specialties, 37 a Lyman. St. watches. l'arker pen sets, Smith Corona typewriters, Remington electric razors.

Portable radios. all At wholesale prices. Visit our showroom. Chapin Specialties. 37 Lyman St.

ALL-STEEL 10 ft. slides. 8 ft. with steel slide, 2 swings glider $33.50. Chapin Specialties, 37 Lyman St.

AT THE CUT RATE HARDWARE Lawn chair Plastic hose 50 $7.98.. Lime 114) 980. Bargain always on paints, wallpaper, tools. 'lann orna 4: 2. 4 UNION, SPRINGFIELD; THURSDAY, MAY 27, 1954 CLASSIFIED 37 MERCHANDISE MERCHANDISE MERCHANDISE AND BOARD REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Boats and Accessories 63 Household Goods 39 Machinery and Tools 61 Rooms With Board 67 Apartments and Flats 71 EVINRUDE Sales Service.

Lyman, Ola twin beds, solid cherry, box CUSTOM BUILT loiv. bed 'To RM HOARD for child and working A New. 3 Rm. apt. in ranch type house Town Whirlwind Boats, Visit our new, aprings mattress of hest grade; Dress- haul equipment behind dump trucks.

another. Call 4-3676 betw. p. m. including heat.

hot water, electric stove, larger showroom. Easy parking. Da er, mirror, chest, night table lamp Ideal bulldozer. Ford loaders. p10; Tim.

near A. C. Parking. gent pre- retriz. Strictly modern.

Ing. At office Montigny Sales 313 Wilbraham Rd. Vert old 8 mahogany set. W'. S.

Welding Service, HaZArdville, Tel. 3-0676. 668 or 643 McKinstry Aldenville Open Evenings till 8. coffee table like new. 84 Cooper St.

Conn. Tel. T'rille Riverview 9-8177. ROSTON new 4 rm. hae.

ch. BOAT KITS BANKRUPT STOCK OF THE ESSEX 2 Very bate: Type South- Bend Q. C. Lathe Rooms With out Board 68 W. 8.

rm. 2d fir. Siv. ht. 43 From 8 font 10 43 foot cabin FURNITURE CO.

NOW ON SALE ON 16" 6' with Taper Chucks 2-in- A NICE ROOM for women. home privi- PARK 1st fl: wil ht; ch. 65 cruisers, inboard, outboards. Balling units, THE PREMISES 1984 MAIN ST. SAVE 1 Motor and Switches.

South- Bend Q. C. leges, kitchen it desired. TV, on 4 bus NO. END 5 3d- fir.

coal col, 82 Prices atart at $11,50 for complete Atomic UP TO AND MORE. Here Are A Lathe. with Motor. Switch 4 lines. Forgette, Adama St.

HILI. 6 rin. 2d fir. coal ch. 30 kit.

All parts Are are A8- few of the many bargains: wet- Chuck. South- Bend C. Cabinet Type AN attrac. cor. rut.

next to. hath, J.AV. W. OTHERS S. ti r111.

hise. FURNISHED oil heat, ch. 93 and pictures. catalogue $8.05 foam rubber reg. Practically New.

Reid Surface Grinder with in your rin. $8. for neat lady. Near 113 State St. CONTACT SERVICE 2-5129 sembled.

Send 23c for coniplete, proof crib mattresses only reg. Lathes with Motor Switch UNFURNISHED SPORTS CARS. INC. $49.50 innerspring mattresses $21.88: Liv- Pope Spindle Perm. Mag.

Chuck, Do-All BRIGHTWOOD. 3 room apt. Newly reHotel Kimball. 6-6159. 579 MAIN SPRINGFIELD 2-1038 ingroom sets values $189.50 to $399.95 Band SAW.

AUCTION 'CO. A large 1m. for. couple or 2. girls with derorated with cabinet sink.

electric 11P 1050 MARTIN outboard motor, Ex: niust go for only $99 to $348; Over 200 SPRINGFIELD Ot. without kit: prigs. range refrigerator. Also heat, and cellent condition. 2-5021 or table room sets lamps, must 65 be dinette sold.

Rets Easy and 28 bed- ar- PHONE 4-8896 or 4-0731 ARCIT 23. nice next bath. Gent hot water furnished. Call 4-1553, Tti9 DWIGHT STREET TONE row boats, ply wood bottoms, clear ranged. OPEN DAILY 9 a.

m. 10 Terms. 9 p. m. 3: pref.

Tel. 4-9280. ELMHURST APTS. western pine aides, painted 2 coats, -12 electric refrigerator, family WANTED used cement mixer in good con- A LARGE room, private entrance busi-, 349 STATE ST. for ft.

14 ft. $60, 16. ft. Also clasgy aize Phitro, Jotpoint. Crosley.

dition. Tel. Spfld. 9-5707 or 9-6238. NARRMAN or nurse.

6 RM. APT. RENT sport models with rounded decks hand Rendix, Norge many others. low as A NEWLY redecorated on 3d fir. Elevator service, fireproof bidg.

delltrails for $85. Cabinet Shop, 198 $10V. easy temns. AB Farm Machiners 61 A $3 607 Worthington St. PT 7 entrance, rear front porches.

Seg Sewall Ludlow. Tel. L.U 3-2161. MAN ONUN FURNITURE CO. -20.

two row' cultivators. A VERY NICE room minute walk to janitor. A Building Materials 1985 Main St. (Opp. Stop Shop) Cheap.

Tel. Suffleld NO 8-2336. buainess center. 9-0978. Eves.

after FOUR RM. apt, elec. gAs heat furn. 54 The New Store 'With The Green Front NEW ard Used Farmall Tractors, all mod- m. 4-8870.

Couple. 20 Palmer Ave. WINDOW SHADES--Irreg. on your rollert 99c up to 8 ft: Pioneer Shade. Screen Armory St.

7-5314. WINDOW SHADES -Selected irregular, cloth cut mounted to fit your rolled to 36" 6 ft. solid colors $1.19 WEST SIDE SHADE BLIND 11 Central Post Office. W. S.

9-0673 WESTINGHOUSE ROASTER with stand timer new. $50. New Norse kitchen Has stove- -Glass front oven door, elec. push button. lighter $123., small TY with stand booster Tel.

3-48804 WATER HEATER your water heating method is unsatiafactory, expensive. inconvenient, switch to automatics electric water heating. Your master plumber, heating contractor or appliance dealer will give you Western: setts. Electric Company certificate worth toward the purchase ot an" electric water heater. See him today.

WELDING CUTTING Equipment. New Deferred payments. Taft, Welding Equipment 4171 Main St. 4-3709. 30 GAI Automatic gas water heater, in good condition $35.

Call 1-3587. Camera and -Equipment PHOTO EQUIPMENT enlarger 4x5 Coollight Speedgraphics. complete Roto contact printer. Willcox Gay tape recorder. Call 3-0191.

TRADE IN YOUR OLD CAMERA 1019 and take A new one on your vacation. Bloom's Camera Center, 1637 Maln, near Taylor. Business Equipment A ROYAL CROWN Bottle Cooler, wet or diy. like new. Tel.

A BOBTAIL soda fountain, stools, grill cash: register. 415 St. James Ave. AN EXCEPTIONALLY LARGE selection of office furniture equlpment In wood or steel can always be had hera. Deaki chairs.

files, etc. BROADWAY OFFICE SUPPLY INC 51. Worthington St. Cor. Broadway Furniture Dept.

BAKERY CAKE Mixer, 80 qt. new er bakery equip. 50: William opee Falls. BAKERY Pizza equipment. Stivers ovens.

fryers Donut machine. 422 Walnut St, 3-3736. IF YOU need Any office machines 01 equip desks, chairs, lators, adding machines, filing cabinets. check writers. visible files, 8Pe our large shelving.

metal cabinets, show rages, wall cases, counters, tables. Springfield Disp. Fix. Co. --138 Chest- JUST RECEIVED Good, Clean, Metal Desks Gond Form Posture Chairs Complete Executive Outfit Desk.

Swivel Chair, 3 Leather Chairs, Telephone Stand, Office Table, Costunier H. Metal Desks 3-G. F. Metal Stepo. Leaks 3-G.

F. Metal Tables x31" 6-Good Form Posture Chairs 8-Aluminum Chairs 2 Costumers 7-Aletal Swivel Chairs Plenty of Tyrewriters, Filing Cabinets, Calculators, Comp. Adding Machines. Steel: Shelving SPFLD. DISPLAY FIXTURE CO.

168 Chestnut St. 9-6407 NEW KINCRAFT runahouts $150 up Mercury motors. Harold King 6-8716. ONE NEW 1:34 Continuous Ice cream custard freezer. Ters to suit buyer Bor 90 Union Office.

PORTABLE TYPEWRITERS Demonstraters-1954 Models Royal Deluxe reg. $114.5 6 Smith- Corona reg. 3 Remington $94.50 reg. $111.51 Easy Terma SPRINGFIELD TYPEWRITER. INC.

385 Dwight St. Tel. RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT Store fixtures, McCray refrigerators fountain fryers, coffee makers. chairs, booths, counters. supplies: new and used.

KITTREDGE STORE FINTURES 609 Dwight 9-9679 BEAR FRONT END MACHINE origina: cost over $1500. Must be disposed of at once. Will sacrifice. Moss Motor Sales, n2 Ave. W.

Spfld. STANDARD 'CASH REGISTER machine with register slip, attachment, will for quick sale. Moss Mfotor Sales, 92 Memorial Ave. W. Spild, a 6-0327.

SHOWCASES- counter showcase. Mannikin paper bags. Tel. Chic. or 408.

TAYLOR custard or 1ce. cream machina nt. cap. oversize compressor mountPd for counter service. moveable.

cond Crystal Park, Rondsville. Masa. THREE barber chairs fronts must YO Reas. Call LA 5-7000: aft: 6 p. m.

3-0173. USED LARGE DOOR. 3 hour fire protection. office safe in excellent condition. Also 2.

good typewriters. HOLYOKE AUCTION CO. INC. 524 High Holyoke. Tel.

2-3097, wALI CASES and floor CASeS 5 6 footers. Must be sold by June 17. Ideal for children's shop, ladies shop, etc. Many other Baby Bazaar, 8021 State St. Tel.

9-2828. 3 MODERN show caspe. large safe, trip fans. jewelers work benches, etc. Call 0-6457.

Boats and Accessories 61 AT LAST. OUR NEW RUILDING is conipleted and everyday there's a boat show at Bassett 3. Thompson. Dunphy: Old Town. Grumman.

Aluma Craft. and TroJan. the popular 20-ft. Trojan Cabin Cruiser. Rowboat water tight, "no caulking.

See it In the water and it. Johnson motors. See the new hp. We have installed the most. modern out: board repair dept.

in this area. We're excellent mechanica. will service all makes of outboard motora: Large aplection of used motors. We also have one of the finest boat repair depts. Handling All kinds of repairs.

new decks, seats. back broken canoe rihs, refinishing. New Mastercraft demonstrator trailers $69.93. This is not A kit. Teen-PP trailers, large marine hardware And paint dept.

Tackle and live halt. Rowboat rentals. Grand Opening June 2. Rassett's Bait and Boat 885 Alden. St.

'Tel. ARENS custom built deluxe runabouts, Tel. A-2120. Call aft. 4.30 p.

m. AT PEPINS Sport Center Mercury Scott Atwater motors, boats, trailers. Used motors bought-sold. Repair ice. Open eves.

492 Page Blvd. Tel. 7-9586. ANNOUNCING the YELLOW JACKET. latest addition 40 our line of boats, A fast beautiful molded plywood.

Lamberts' Pequot Park, Hampton Ponds, Westfield. 1. 3 BOAT refinishing, ROWBOAT 155 River W. Spfld. 7-3700 BOAT 14 ft.

runabout with IF. P. motor, trailer: incl. anytime. CHRIS CRAFT boat kits 8' 311 Chris Craft.

470 Main, 7-2483, WI eves. CANOE Bracket for outboard motor. Also 2 gal. gas tank. ReaR.

Riverview 5-8047. DUE to bad weather' 11'P are forced to give big bargains, And big trade allow. ances. look! Boat trailer only $69. off on Marine paint.

Boata and Marine equipment. Eviurude Motors sales, service and parta. Schiavina's Sport Boat Co. 003 Dain. W.

Spfld Tel. open evenings. EVINRUDE MOTORS complete 1034 line 01d Town, Wolverine, Dumphy, PennYan. Aerocraft, aluminum boats, Make-It Kits. Good used boats motor lake demonstrations.

Boats mo tors rented. summer' anchorage. Open daily and eves. including Sundays, Lambert Pequot Tark, Hampton Ponda. GOOD USED BOAT TRAILER reasonable.

Call 2-6912. HAGERTY 110 sailboat racing no, 419. New 1918 $600. Can he. seen at 20 Alhambra Circle, Agawam.

NEW KINCRAFT runabouts $150 up. Mercury Harold King. 6-8776. CADILLAC, Feather Craft Sea Nymph alum. boats.

Lyman Kingcraft. Evinrude motors. L. N. King.

7-3336. FIRESTONE h.p.; 3 shift motor, $77. also 8 ft. marine plywood row boat, $50. 9-0136.

new LIFETIME (Reynolds) aluminum 12 ft. boat. Immediate delivery. Very high speed, takes up to 16 11. P.

motora. Spp it now. also and Century, Whirlwind Penn Yan. hoats. Wolverine.

Evinrude Duratech motors, marine accessories. Closed Sundays and Mondays. Beique Roat Sales 281 Appleton Holyoke. LIVE -fishermen, 'the easlest place 11 to set shinete, crawlers. Pine Point Hardware, 40 Berkshire Axe.

9-1939. AT LUMBER CENTRE INC. DISPOSAL SALE OF DOORS Mahogany Doors All x0'8 to We are discontinuing this line of door $8.75 ea. 2x4 K. D.

Western 6c per Lin. Aft. 1x6 K. D. Western 4c per Lin.

ft. Western Cedar Claphda. $65 per AI Knotty Pine K. D. Random widtha.

All 8 ft. Lengths 13c per bd. It. LUMBER CENTRE INC. 190 "Where the Smart Builder Buys" Albany Tel.

3-2141 NATIVE M. Cash' and carry. 2 6. 2 x. 8, 2 10, and boards.

Lynch Lumber, West Springfield. Tel 9-4781. ALL BLDG. MATERIALS greatly reduced. panel doors (like 11P W.

ft. 2 6 10-00c. Oak, maple: fir. flooring: window sash all sizes. Brass black iron pipe.

Naila cheap. Plumbing fixtures. A. A. Wrecking 79 Nelso W.

Sprld. (off Park, St.) AT NEW ENGLAND WRECKING 1 WEEK SPECIALS house paint (brown) per galIon 15c each Heavy and duty, toilet seats. (like new) up. Also 8. complete line of good building Inaterials.

ALBANY ST. TEL. 2-8179 OR 3-4723 A-1 WELT, tile wells dug cleaned. NEW ENG. WATER SUPPLIES -PIONE 103-2091 or LU3-3628 BUILDING MATERIALS For' real value in quality building ma terials for your new home see the UNION LUMBER SUPPLY CO.

The yard known for quality at low prices. 15 Dale St. Tel. 3-8570 BRICK 2 car gar. All material: free for removAl.

Tel. 6-9907 or 3-5413. vi COMBINATION DOORS ON SALE KELLY-FRADET LUMRER INC. OPEN All Day 557 No. MAin St.


Minimum 6 yds. Con loam trap rock. 9-7084. 7-9610. CINDERS, road graVel and Joam.

Tel Spfld. 1-6031 or Chic. 361. FRAMING LUMRER 214. 2xfi, 2x8, 2x10 and boards.

Galanek lumber wirk. Tel. Westfield 744, NATIVE M. Cash and carry, 2x4. 2x6.

2x10. and boards. Lynch Lumber. West Springfield. Tel.

9-1181. READY MIXED concrete. Overhead garage doors 8xT. Loan fill del. or Toaded on your truck: LU TRESSES-21' for rages, 1 Western fir framing, plumb.

supplies, shower' stalls. cement blocks. 500,04) bricks. June delivery, firIng. oak fir.

7-5674. Bay State Wrecking leywood W. Spfid. 13 PCS. 50 ft.

steel bar joists. 60 lb. rating enough for A bldg. 30x100 ft. Reasonable Holyoke Fuel and Feed 56 CANADIAN HAY for sale.

Sydney Wolfram, Nofth Hatfield. Phone Hatfield 4161 or 4163. SLAB WOOD $12. A CORD STOVE FURNACE FIREPLACE. TEL.

2-4340. Good Things to Eat 67 AVERAGE 13 lb. roast -stuffed turkey' ETAVY $10. Sun. Moon or anytime.

Order now. Othdte, 2-3313, Belmont Are. CRIPPLED doughnuts. dox. Dandy Donut 2469 Main Sta cor.

Osgood Main, Open 4 TV. m. 4-6769, FRESH YOUNG RABBITS, for fryers. Tel. 10.

7-3103. FRYING CHICKENS to: 6 Special at 39 lb. Capons. 6 to 8. lha.

at .50 Th. We deliver. Dial Ludlow 3-8612, Ifolmes Poultry Farms. GOAT. MILK pasteurized.

40 qt. Spild. Antiques 59 ANTIQUE pump organ, good condition $35. Call owner 2-5087. Household Goods 59 deterg.

In 25 And 50 lb. sizes, SAVE. Free del. Call 6-2852, 2-4929. A LINOLEUM SPECIAL 20 sq.

yda, MANTEX LINO $10.97 9 12 LINO RUG 4.49 12 x12 GOLD SEAL rug 12.501 LEWIS FURN. 994 MAIN cor. UNION St. A TERRIFIC BUY on new Maple bunk beda. $18.

Metropolitan 1776 Main St. Tel. 2-4174. AIR CONDITIONERS. SAVE! EDISON'S 1113 Main St Tel.

6-1832 ARE YOU LOOKING FOR USED FURNITURE? Gov. Winthrop mah. desk G. F. mod.

white full skirt wringer washer. excellent, Wal. bed, dresser. and chestrobe, very- clean, $79.: hundreds of other values. RARGAIN ANNEX 15 Clinton St.

Open nites 'til p. ni. A SMALL SCRATCH SAVES YOU AS: MUCH AS $100. on new Furniture, TV. Appliances BAILEY- WAREHOUSE Come and See! Open 9 to 9 TELEVISION All brand new! Reg.

Price. 'Now! Arvin 17" Tv $199.95 97. Raytheon All Chan. $249.07 $120. Westinghouse 21" $299.93 $198.

Admiral 94'1 $298. 24 months to pay. WASIUNG. MACHINES All Brand Reg. Price Now! C.

Wringer $139.93 89.0 Automatic Spindry $109.97 08.4 Hendix Washers Whirlpool Auto. 8289.97 $198. Bendix Duomatic 8308. RADIOS PHONOGRAPHS New Radios 3 13.95 9.98 New Portables 18.98 Radio-Phonos 3 99.05 59.88 Kelvina tor REFRIGERATORS $199.10 $129. Norse 8 ft.

3249.97 3137. Crosley 10 ft. $198. Admiral $119.01 $225. GAR or ELECTRIC RANGES Full size Gas 98.

Florence Elec 3169.95 08. Oil Elec $198. GAR Re GAR Range $199,95 $198. 24 to pay. WAREHOUSE State St.

Open Free Parking APEX AUTOMATIC Washing Machine. Used months. Call Westfield APEX AUTOMATIC washing machine, used 4 months. Call -Westfield: 3339M. APT.

size 3 burner gray gar range $15. Bargain Annex, 15 Clinton 'St. A BIG CLEARANCE 3 pc. Oak Redroom set with Mr. Mrs.

Dresser $98: SOFA BED all up. $39; knotty pine Bedroom $44.93: Chrome Breakfast set $34.50: LARGE Stock of Bedroom seta at 16 price: Maple Arm parlor Set. very cheap: Cedar' Wardrobes. Bookcases; End Tables Cheap; Crib mattresses $6.95. TV SPECIALS A BEAUTIFUL 21 82 channel with full, doors 1974 models of Best makes of televisions closing out at very low prices.

21 inch console 81 channel inch table model 82 channel $179.03. I'hilco 1Clectric Stoves Refrigerators; Crosley Refricerators. NO RODY CAN REAT THESE PRICES STEVENS FURNITURE 836 MAIN ST. OPEN EVES. EASY TERMS A AT REGAL'S WAREHOUSE PRODUCTS ARRIVING DAILY Refrigerators from $19.95 Television acts from $29.95 Wringer Auto.

Washers from $39.93 Good Electric. Ranges from $69.30 Gas' Comb. Ranges from $39.50 BRAND NEW CRATED APPLIANCES SINKS- DISHWASHERS Save Up 50 TERMS ARRANGED OPEN THURS. TO 9 P. M.

REGAU'S. WAREHOUSE 10-21 Market St. Tel. 3-3583 (Next to Blake's Restaurant) A TERRIFIC buy on new fibre rugs A 12 8x 10. $13 Metropolitan Furniture 1776 Main St.

Tel. A 5 pc. rattan porch set good cond. Reas. Tel.

4-0138. BRAND NEW TV SETS. Philco, Sylvania, RCA, G. Motorola, Crosley. Zenith, Ag low as $129.95.

PAST TERMS MAY OKUN FURNITURE CO. 1935 Main St. (Opp. Stop Shop) The New Store With The Green Front BIG SAVINGS, G. E.

Refrigerator, Ranges, Washers Dryers. Dishwashers. and Dig. posals. latest models.


U'R. TWIN Beds, PARLOR Set WAL. DIN ING Set $39.00: CHEST of drawers 8.00; GLENWOOD Comb. Stove. 49.10; CEDAR Chest 19.95: END Tables 1, DISHES, POTS.

PANS. WESTINGHOUSE Vacuum Cleaner, LAMPS 1.0 ea. KITCHUN Net: 14.97. 9 12 AXM. RUG 10.00: WARDROBES, KITCHEN ELEC.


091 MAIN ST. So. End. COR. UNION ST.

BRAND NEW electric range with clock and timer 1934. model for only $139. Homemakers Your General Electric Dealer. 1200 State. Open to 9 p.m.

CUSTOM TAILORED slip covers. Sofa chair, VAlue $89. Special $69; Budget payments. T. G.

Stuebl, 9-2797, CLOTHES POLES shape 313.30. CAVE Welding 380 Bay St. Spfld. 3-1427. COMB.

atove, coal black. K. day, water heater. bed couch. 2-1243.

CHAIR AND DIVAN price. New floor l'ioneer Upholstering, 1066 Main St. 3-4425. DININGRM. table, chrome kit.

chairs, other furniture at Pioneer Hotel, 1968 Main St, DRAPERIES -Correlated to your room Newest fabrica. $20 value, special $13 per. T. 0. Stuebi.

9-2797. EASY IRONER, cabinet style with table, used very little. Reas, call T'ville RI 5-5711 for. appointment. EASY wringer washer with punip, good cond.

sin. Bargain Annex, 15 Clinton St. ELECTROLUN vacuum Like new. Phone 1A 5-7723 eves. or ENTIRE household furniture.

Sacrifice for quick sale. Tel. 64-0808. FULL size bed, coil spring, innersp. mattress $13, Bargain Annex.

13 Clipton St. G. REFRIGERATOR A Good cond. Edison's, 1113 Main St. -2850.

GLENWOOD comb. stoves. from $10. or USED makes refrigerators from $20. GE, Frigidaire oth USED Washers gAs stoves kitchen sets from $..

EASY TERMS OKUN FURNITURE co. 1935 MAIN ST. TEL. The New Store with the Green Front GH wringer washer. Excellept condition.

Sacrifice for $10. 9-1279. GAS STOVE gas refrigerator. Tel. 9-8733.

G. F. ELECTRIC RANGE, slightly used $39.00. Mrigidaire Electric Range, Almost new. $69.50.

Many other electric. ranges in excellent condition at low prices. Easy terms, MAX OKUN FURNITURE CO. 1931 Main St. (Opp.

Stop Shop) The New Store With The Green Front GE REFRIGERATOR, good condition. 1o-defrost-it $75. Call: 9-4306. GLENWOOD. comb.

white stove cheap fot quick. amall 2 oil barrels with stands $9. Tel. 9-0771. JUST A FEW fine boys and girls bikes left.

1200 State. Open eves. KELPINATOR Refrigerator in good condition. Price $35. Tel.

0-4924. KENMORE washing machine with auto. timer. Runs like new. $0.

Call 7-0770, LET us completely rebuild your vacuum cleaner, like new, $7.95 up. Regina, 21 New Dwight St. LIVING ROOM years old. like Very rens. 33 Grove Chicopee Falls.

Tel. 27 -R. LARGE kit. table porcelain top chairs. 7 pc.

maple den apt. Reas. 6-0081. MAPLE platform rocker $15. Like new.

MOBILAIRE FANS Westinghouse. bought out 25 of these reg. $80, Only $03. Edison's 1113 Main St. Tel.


Longmeadow. Open all "day Saturdays, "QUALITY' PILGAS burner combination. Also ft. Kevinator refrigerator. For A quick sale.

cheap. I'ville RI REFRIGERATOR, dining sat, odds ends, Tel. 2-1697. 112 P'rinceton St. SINGER (desk model) mach.

2 yra. old a cost $325. sell for less than SINGER 'elec. sewing machine, beautiful new 'console sews over pins, monograms, embroiders, 3 yr. guar.

$13. WIll take $1 a week. SUMMER FURNITURE at rive away prices. Metal Lawn Chairs 3.90 Umbrellas 7.93 Metal Tables 3.91 Gliders Chaise Lounges 319.91 Fiber Rugs 9.93 EASY TERMS LARGEST SELECTION IN TOWN MAN OKUN FURNITURE CO 1933 Main St. (Opp.

Stup Shop) The New Store With the Green Front SACRIFICE moving out of state. Hot Point refrie. 9 cu. ft. with freezer: like new 8200.

Rendix auto. washer with agitato, like new $125. Must sell before Sat. h. 13-8197 or 7-4387.

SALE--Singer electric portable, $20.93 SEWING MACHINES CLEARANCE Singer console $44.95 New Home elec. portable $19.95,, Nashville elec. console. Itex. $189.

Now $89.. We repair and: sell all makes of sewing machines. All machines carry a full guarantee $3 down: $1.23 week. Open until 9. Easy Sewing Machine Co.

864, Main St. Tel. 7-0301. SPINET piano warehouse sale at makers, Your chance to save, now. 1200 State.

Open eves. SINGER all electric beautiful brand mahogany cAhinet $19, will take $1.25 wk. Tel. 6-7242. SEWING MACHINES new used.

Very reas. Guaranteed. Expert repairs. Free estimates. P'arts for all makes motors cabinets for conversion.

All work guaranteed. Springfield Sewing Machine 66 Morgan West Spfld. 5-3031. TV 17 Admiral Table: model. Facellent cond.

Was $250. Only $7h. Come in for demonstration. Edison's 1113 Main St. 6-2832.

TV. SET slightly used. RCA. Philco, Sylrania. G.

E. and many others. A3 low as $90.95. MAX ONUN FURNITURE CO. 1933 Main St.

(Opp. Stop Shop) The New Store With The Green Front TAPPAN gas gAS comb. 18. 1110. old.

Like new $150. Tel. 4-8456 after 3. TOP TV APPLIANCE VALUES in Mah. Westinghouse Table models.

Good condition $39.97 17 in. Emerson Mah. console 64.95 17 in. Hallicrafter table model, brown leatherette 09.93 Bendix Economat Washers (two) 99.93 Apartment range. Practically "new 69.97 ALL.

IPEMS ADVERTISED ARE FULLY GUARANTEED FOR 30 DAYS STANDARD TIRE SALES Chestnut at Worthington Tel. 3-0606 THAYER baby crib with inner spring mattress, excel. cond. 4-0532. UPHOLSTERY MATERIAL and Supplies.

Coine in and look: around our remnant room. Material. valued At $8 to $10 yd. PRICED NOW only $2. to $3.

Plastic leather from Tic yd. up to $7.50 yd. Springfield Upholstery Awning. Co. 33 Dwight St.

Tel. 7-2634. USED RANGES, washing machines refrigerators. All priced right. ROGERS HOME APPLIANCE 1080 STATE ST.

Open Eves. Thurs, Fri. VACUUM. CLEANER (tank type) 1931 model 5 yr. guarantee, Mil attachments.

Only will take $1 weekly. Call 3-4894. WHITE top gas stove. Formica kitchen set, rubber foam chairs, custom made draperies: 3-4117, WESTINGHOUSE refrigerator $10. AlsO others $25.

Guaranteed delivered. Tel. LI.3-1010 anytime. WESTINGHOUSE Elec. Stove suitable for camp.

$25. Ph. 7-2411. 12 LINOLEUM. radios, portable phonograph, typewriter.

ROOMS of furniture, also new auto. washer: Call 9-1459 after 5 p. mi, PIECE living r'In, set, good cond. Reasonable. Tell 1032 PIULCO Console T.

channels. Tel. 9-4287. 3 PC. MONTAIR SET good for camp $15.

Jewelry and Watches 60 BEST prices Raid for old gold diamonde. Richards. 134 State St. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR diamonds. old gold, Ar, 1616 Main St.

els. New and used lawn mowers. hay mowere, rakes, loaders, etc. Specialtwo PADeC Field 4 J. W.

PARSONS AND SON. INC. Your 'Farm Machine Since 1970 70 North King Northampton 2885 Used tractors, used Farmall cubs $575 and up. New International Harvester, New Holland. and New Idea Farm Equipment.

Goldstein Gurwitz, Ware, Mass, 890-891. 22 CATERPILLAR tractor in good condition. ready work. Norman Butler, R. F.

D. Southbridge. Maas. Musical Instruments 89 ITAMMOND ORGAN with and chine attached. Call 2-0259.

4 IVES POND. Baby Grand reconditioned $375. 29 Tel. 4-7831. PIANO for aAle, good condition, $36.

lat fl. Tel. after 5.30. SPINET SALE All models reduced this month. 49 White.

Tel. 2-7831. SCHILLINGER system of musical composition. volume set: complete $10. Tel.

3-8318 after 5 p. 11. TRUMPET, 1 year old. Cost new No reasonable offer refused. WI 6-3878 after 3 p.

m. VIOLINS (2) full size for sale. $40 for both. Tel. LI 3-4408.

Television Radio 62A ANY TV repairs in your home today. Bill's Radio TV. 472 Central 4-7473. A-1 TV appliances repaired. Ir.


Call 3-9134, 24 hr. serv, Rates. HOME TV SALES SERVICE CONVERSION INSTALLATION 7-6022 FIELASKY'S TV and radio service. MOAt REPAIRS done in your own home. $2.50 per service call.

4-4364 night calla TV APPLIANCE TO OFF Coolerator elec was $279.95, now $186.23. Calorie gas range was $289.05 now 15 Caloric gas heater gas range comb. was $349.97 now: $457. Hendix auto. washer was $299.95 now $199.95, Emerson: TY 175 console $97.

console UHF VIIF waS now Admiral 21" UNF VHF was $369.95 now $219. UHF CONVERTERS $20. BOW TIES $1.99 All refrigerators. ranges TV sets, UHF converters up to off. -GAMELL TV APPLIANCE 924 Main St Tel.

7-9672, 9-0444 USED recorda, classical popular 15c. Used Columbia. 33 1-3 record player Uaed automatic 78 player "Tel, Chic. 25283. Seeds, Plants.

Fertilizers 63 -T LOAM $1.80 her yd. Asphalt D'ways. New lawns. 9-9200. 5-7224.

ALT HARDY PLANTS. and shrubs, now ready. Full line of seeds garden supplies. Send for catalog. Frank's Market Garden, 1398 Allen St.

'Spild. A-1 LOAM $10. A LOAD This loam has been tested analyzed with a 6.7% rating to de excellent for new old lawns, flowers, shrubs. etc. Contains no atones OT routs Quality loam is our business not sideline.

Order now. JOHN REILLY 9-4481 -A-1 LOAM FOR SALE. Nick Longht. 4-1387. A-1 TORACCO loam $10 load.

Dirt removing. fill, clay, cinder lawns built. 2-4340. A-1 LOAM FOR SALE $2 A YARD, 0-7494 A-1 VERMONT-gathered. spruce, cedar hemlock shrubs, excellent for border wind brake: 2-4 ft.

high. Johnson, 516 No. Mirin East Long. "Tel. 2-4873 or 4-9649.

CEMETERY POTS--well filled with A nice splection of: plants, including' 1 or more geraniums. pan, $1.00: 7" pan. pan. 9" pan, $3.00, 10'! pan $1.00. SWEMAT GARDENS.

88 St. 3-5863 BEST clean, cultivated loam. 3 yd. load $10. 6-3936.

DRIVEWAYS hard top, loam $10 load Ton anil 81. A Tel. 4-2018. GERANIUM plants for. sale.

Reasonably priced. Joseph Santaniello, 364 Parker St. E. Longmeadow, Mass. GERANIUMS- -Memorial Day pots.

Well filled with a-nice selection of plants, bedding vegetable plants. E. Longmeadow corner of N. Main St. larkness Ave.

DAM dandscaping, fill tractof loader for hire. l'lowing harrowing. T. Russo Son. 053 Coover 6-39168 WHITE PINE wind breakers de borders.

Mountain Laurel hemlock, 138 Porter East Longineadow L.A 5-2050, LAWN CARE landscaping Tel. 2-6205. FOTTED PLANTS, And cut flowers, pansies, annuals perennials. Vegetable plants, all kinds. Seeds bulbs and fertilizer.

Rhubarb, strawberry roota. Highland Gardens. 344 Bogton Rd. 4-4343. Open 'til dark.

Wearing Apparel A 65 buy for mother! Childrens clothes, used. boys girls, 1 to 4 MATERNITY clothes too! Size: 14-14. 10 BARGAINS- Ladies' suits; toppers, $6, $9. $12. Gowns Lower prices on dresses.

skirts. Jackets, girdles, SCHAFFER'S 1182 MAIN STREET CLEARANCE OF BRIDAL GOWNS Values 111 10 $150. All sizes styles now $20. Mollies Gown Shop, 1860 Main. FOR RENT LATEST STYLE GOWNS.

for weddings all formal occasions. Phone 1-4017 for appointment. LARGE of men's smart sport coats $5 $10 for this week only. SCHAFFER'S. 1192 Main St.

LOWER PRICES on pants, for dress. work, sport. Match. blend or contrast. The largest -selection in the city.

SCHAFFER'S, 1182 Main Street, near State. TO SETTLE ESTATE A $600 Black Seal fur coat, size 16,, going for $150. LA5-7170. WHITE FORMAL $8, $10. Tux pants $4 up.

American Legion uniforms for sale: At 1182 Main Street, nr. State. Wanted--to Buy 66 ALIVAYS A BETTER PRICE PAID FOR SINGLE PIECES OR ENTIRE ESTATES. BEDROOMS LIVING ROOMS, KITCHENS. DRESSERS.




A VET: buys papers, rAgS, copper, lead. iron steel. Walsh 9-5968. A better price raga, paper, iron, steel, boilers, 6-1333. LI 3-1843.

A VET buys paper, lead, copper scrap iron. brass. 6-9178. FURNITURE, dishes. Part cr entire contents of homes hought.

Storage lots. Ruell Tel. Holyoke 2-8056. 3-4329 JOHNSON'S BOOKSTORE pays cash 101 used books. Tel.

2-6221. OLD U. S. STAMPS, before 1900 on and off rover collection. and Accumulations highest prices paid.

Call 3-3042. OFFICE store or restaurant equipment or complete atocks. 4-7129. ROOM AND BOARD Rooms With Board 67 ATTRACTIVE front: semi-pvt. bath.

Meals optional. Parking space, A SINGT.E RM. for 1 or 2 working persons with family. Free parking. FOR retired nice rm.

upper: Alden St. Put, home. Tray service 7-0303. HOME ATMOSPHERE good food, central location. Tel.

PLEASANT rm1. very good fond care given to retired, private, ambulatory cases, ladies or gents. Tel. ROOM board in private home for lady requiring some care. lat fir.

near bath. screened porch. ROOM with board, private fam, Near L. Testinghouse. Tel, 6-3010.

AT W'ESTMORE" 52 ITIGH DAILY WKLY 204 ST. JAMES AVE A cool airy room. comfortable and private, parking. 7-2352. AAI LOCATION.

Men only. Free parking. 10 Ridgewood Pl. 3-3744. A NICE RM.

suitable for 1 or 2 In Weat Spfid. Call 3-1972. A SINGLE OR DOUBLE RM. FROM $7 UI' MAYFLOWER HOTEL 234 WORTHINGTON ST. BTW.

MAIN DWIGHT. ATTRAC. rm. for business girl. Beaut.

home. Ideal loc. Privileges. Tel. 2-0843.

ATTRAC. RM. walking distance downtown. Ige. closet, kitchen pylg.

optional 7-8021. A CLEAN comfortable room. Semi private hath, central location 4-6111; A BEAUT. front rm. in a priv.

home loc. near the Armory, 109 Federal St. Tel. 7-5506, A LARGE front room. couple kitchenette only, privi- Inq.

leges for middle aged 42 Diattoon St. A FRONT ROOM running water, for bustness people. Also singles. Pearl St. 9-3178.

A lge. rm. double or single, off Winchesfer Sq. 2-8134. BACHELOR ROOMS for rent at 14 Wight P'lace off Broadway- Tel.

7-0531. BEAUTIFULLY furn. rm. with kit. privileges, pvt.

ent. Vic. Mercy Shriners Hoen Tel 2-9210 or 4-9376. BOWDOIN 09-Single men only. ahowers.

Parking. 6-6190. BEAUTIFUL room in private home. Only females need apply. CHIC.

FALLS, rm. near bath. private home. Gent. only.

Chic. 679W. COMFORTABLE ROOMS With Private Bath Weekly Rates $13.00 BRIDGIVAY CORNER Maple High, attrac. rm. next to bath, gentleman, refa.

7-3029. CHIC. FALLS -Modern rooms. Gond location. Gentleman only.

Chicopee 2241J. DESIRABLE ROOM for 1 or 2 gentlemen, or working couple. Priv. bath. tile shower.

Parking On bus line. 1.1 3-1134. EDWARDS 10-ige. pleasant rm. 1st h.

c. water. Tel. EAST FOREST PK. rm.

Reasonable. Tel. 2-1202. HARLE HOTEL $10.50 PER WEEK. 193 WORTHINGTON ST.

TEL. 3-1161 FOR COLORED -Rooms in clean homes. Wk. or Mo. Mrs.

Nalle. 3-0201. FURNISHED ROOMS with running water. Near Steigera. Terrace Hotel, 304 Bridge St.

FT. PLEASANT AVE. 1st. fir. rm.

next to bath. Business person preferred. Call after 4. 7-0053. FOREST PARK INN A refined home.

exclusive, cool, quiet. Large roomie AlsO single. 46 Forest Park Ave. Tel. 4-9883.

FT. PLEAS. AVE. (cor.) Rm. for 1 or 2 wk.

I'riv. ent. 3-1430. FRANKLIN ST. 2 turn.

$6.50 wk. Gent. only. Tel. 7-9006.

FREE PARKING $14 WEEKLY HOTEL COOLIDGE. 4-3380 GENTLEMAN. Forest Park, private trance, private bath, 7-8749. IND. ORCHARD.

Free prk. near tile Auto. ht. w't'r. radio, $10 wk.

100 Hampden St. LGE. RA. in business home near Masa. Mutual 4-9135 aft.

6. LUDWIG APARTMENTS SLEEPING ROOMS 2167 MAIN ST. NICE ROOM for a refined gent. 130 St. Parking.

NICE large rooms newly decorated, hot cold water. 23 Holyoke St. ROOM for gent only. $6 per wk. Tel.

3-3876. 1611 Dwight St. (Brightwood RIDGEWOOD PLACE. 2-Furnished rms. walking distance down town.

4-3464. ROOMS, single, priv. home. 63 Clifton Ave. City.

Call anytime, 9-7112 ROOM FOR COLORED Tel. 6-8983 ST. JAMES 192, 1 nice lge. aingle rms." Parking. SPECIAT.

WEEKLY RATES RUNNING WATER TOTEI. CLINTON 1976 MAIN SPFLD. Desirable room adjolning bath in private home 33 Mosher St. 6-0066. Rooms for Housekeeping 69 A LARGE lighthousekeeping room, at 76 Temple St.

A rm. apt. for It. housekeeping. Pvt.

bath. Call 2-8091. ATTRACTIVE comp. furn. rm, apt.

range, refrig. sink Good loc. UTILITIES PARKING 9-6709 A CLEAN corner room, next to bath. Electric plate. Parking, very reasonable 45 off State St.

7-0643. A LARGE room next to bath, lg. closet, pyt. entrance. On 2 bus lines.

Near stores restaurants. 4-6703. A LOVELY 2 rin. Westinghouse Ige. closet, bus refrig.

lines. On Weatover Adults. 4-6703. ATTRACTIVE 2 ring. 3d fir.

furn, apt. heat, elec. linens, new ant. range, elec. reasonably priced for 1 or employed women.

4-0175. AN ATTRAC. well furn. light hakpg. room for 8 neat lady.

Your own A ref. gas store. near YMCA. 6-6479. BELMONT AVE.

large furnished rooms. Semi bath. Tel, 2-8937. CHESTNUT ST. 708.

1 rm. apt. fine location. private entrance. lat fir.

Parking. E. HOOKER 33--2 furn. housekeeping rocms, electric refrig. gas ht.

Adults. FURN. 2 rms bath. glassed porch, pvt. ent.

All utilities. Holyoke MULBERRY ST. (81) light housekeeping room for single woman or couple. NICE light housekeeping rooms, Jow. rent.

Tel. 4-0319. ONE LARGE ROOM suitable for couple, hot plate. sink, $9. Tel.

2-5378. PORTLAND 2 hskpg. rIng, furn. Frigidaire. share lavatory.

ROOM WITH kitchenette. All facilities, cooking with gas bath. 49 RIVERDALE ST. 82 W. S.

Beautiful single rm. for young lady. Running water. elec. refrig.

next to bath. Free parking $9 wk. 3-7612. TWO or three rma. in priv.

home. kit. privel, conv. child allowed. 3-3931.

TWO pvt. rms. l'ark sect. $10 per wk. 4-1188.

15 WALTER ST. Brightwond, 2 furn. gas, hot water. Inquire on premises or call Holy. 2-1552.

2 I.GE. Attrac. furn. Livrm. hdrm.

Tyt. porch entr. 106 Florida. 9-2926. 3 RMS, pvt.

bath. Adults only. Tel. Vacation Places CARRIE'S-ON-THE-SOUND" open May For reservations: write or call Clinton 6-8097. Clinton Beach.

Conn. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Apartments and Flats 71 RM. APT. on 4th flr. Heat hot water.

Stove refrig. rent. Call 7-1737. btw. 8-5.

Aak for Mrs. Williams, AVAILABLE JUNE -Four rooms, floor, oil, Adults. Phone APARTMENTS FOR RENT CALT, '7-8918 AVAIL. JUNE 1ST. 6 beautiful rooms apt.

lat floor, nice. yard, (can rent rms.) nice place for professional penple. Call 9-0978 after 7 p. 4-8870. REAUTIFUL.

ARMS APARTMENTS BEFORE YOU RENT see out lovely AIR CONDITIONED 3 and 4 room apartments in modern rambling buildings A breezy hilltop in West Springfield just off R'. 20.: feat. hot water store and refrigerator Are included In rentals. See. our furnished model apartment.

The Arne Apartmenta 5A Mercury Court W. Springfield. Tel 3-4135 Hours P-5 dally "Til noon Sat. and 2-: Sun and by appointment. PRESIDENTIAL MANAGEMENT CORP.

FOUR rm. apt. stove refrig. furn. ht.

h. W. Can he At 3: Wilmont St. Anytime. Children allowed.

FIVE rm. apt. for rent Avail. June 1st Call GARDEN TYPE APTS. 4 rm.

apt, including heat, hot water. refrig. stove decorated. Parking area $70 Phone 6-7244 LOVELY 4 RM. Apt.

steam heat hot water. Adults only. Tel. T'villa Conn. RI 5-5405 or 184 Pearl St.

T'ville Conn. LARGE 5 room $60 131 College 1st flr. LONGHILL REALTY CORP. ROOMS 890 ROOMS $110 OFFICE 89-A LONGHILL ST. TEL.

SALEM rm. apt. Refrig. stove, 4th fir. $43.


M. TENEMENT FOR RENT at 279 Sheridan St. Chicopee Falls, TERRACE MANOR rms. $90. 4 rms.

$100. Call 2-9833 ar see supt. on premises at 66 Longhill St. UNION, Supt. COURT on premises.

$93. 244 Call Union 2-9853 St. of WHY move in your car? a trailer local one way coast to coast. Better Trailer Rental. 138 Boston Rd.

6-1177. W'ESTFIELD, MODERN 3 rm. tile bath kit. Heat and hot water furnished, included electric stove and refrig. Parking and garden apace, 84B apt.

Franklin St. Call SpAd. weekdays, 3-6984 or evenings. Spild. 2-6331.

ROOM APARTMENT Oil heat, 3d. fir, Adults. Ref. 1083 Worthington St. Tel.

6-1662. 3-4 ROOM apartments. Call Westfield 481 between 10-11 m. 4 RMS. APT.

FOR RENT TEL. 3-2489, RM. APT. heated 2d fir. Call 6-4447 between 10-12 a.

m. 6-8 p. m. Adults, OR 5 mod. atove ref.

Heat. hot water. Parking. $85 to $90 per mo. 4-2069.

Furnished Apts. and Houses 74A 31 UPPER APT. all utilities furn. $95 per ino. Ex.

loc. '104 Mulberry St. 4-2089. A COZY 3 RM. FULLY FURN.


rm. kitchen. utilities, parking, No children. Apply 'rear 119 High. 2-1560.

ADULTS 3 or 4 rin. furn. Apt. West Spild. utilities, Tel.

4-6032. AVAIL, June 1 furn. 3 rm. apt. with bath gar.

Adults, 820 wk. Tel. LU 3-2641. Lovely 3-Rm. Furn.

Tenement. Avail. Immed. Reasonable, 116 Washburn St. ATTRACTIVE-2 rm.

priv. bath. all utilities. Parking. Central.

7-4007. ATTENTION A very nice 3 rm. apt. jat 57 Jefferson Priv. kit.

bath. No sharing of any thing. Oil heat. furn. Call at 57 Jefferson Ave.

1st fl. R. Ask for Mrs. Viger or call 6-0347. 2 rin, furn.

on Maple St. for people. Also it. bakpg. rm.

Refs. 44 Mulbury St. A LOOK at this 3 rm. apt. you will waste no more time looking.

All electric kitchen, parking, laundry. 946 Chestnut near Spild. Hospital. Westover Officers welcome. 9-3618.

CHESTNUT COURT APTS. A ROOM apt. with or without light conking for single person rent Able P'hone 4-7016 evenings 4-4210. A THREE ROOMS, Bradford St. in apt.

building, beautifully furnished. hot water, white gas stove, janitor service. Rent $75 mo. Adults, no pets. 6-3922 or 4-2738.

AIR CONDITIONED, newly furnished rooms first floor apartment. 7 min. from. downtown Springfield. $130 per month.

The Arms Apartments, Just off Route 20 West Springfield, Tel. 3-4755 PRESIDENTIAL MANAGEMENT CORP. CHICOPEE FALLS, room and kitchen. Call Chic. 1328W.

CLINTON ST. 24. 5 rms. furn. or unfurn.

Can rent rooms, Call anytime. Mire, Arnold, 2d fir. left. CHICOPEE FALLS 26 Belcher 2 rm. furn.

Pyt. bath pvt. ent. CHIC. FALLS 3 I'A18, Priv.

bath kit. Parking, Call Spfld. 1 CHIC. FALLS, nr. Westover, 1st fir apt.

3 Ice. rtF. compl. furn. Private bath.

Priv. entr. on bus line. Call 7-4928. COMPLETELY modern, '3 room apt.

Attrac, furnished, Inquire 669 McKinstry Aldenyille. GOOD HOME for elderly man or couple in exchange for. companionship to valescent MYRTLE ST. (11-Clean comb. pantry, Ige.

kitchen, 1st fir. rate. Share bath with hue. woman. Girl or over.

30. $14. Call 6-2153. MODERN MOBILE turn. Apt Very small down payment.

Fav with rent money. Better Trailer Sales. 125 Boston Rd. ONE ROOM APARTMENT with private bath. refrigerator electric plate.

tricity. not included, lat floor. 814.25 wk. also a two room 1st floor for $13.50 k. ONE.

TWO. THREE. furnished rooms. kitchen. Nice location.

Reasonable. Oak St. apt. 8. THREE ROOM turnished private trance, all utilities.

on Concamond Lake, $:0 weekly. Call Southwick 148 R21. TITO ROOMS and A kitchen. 389 Stain Indian Call after 1 p. m.

TATHAM COURT APARTMENTS 66-72 BLISS WEST SPRINGFIELD New rm. heated furnished efficiency apt. with porch free parking $73 convenient location, available June 1. 2-7468. W.

SPELD. 6 Rms. furn. heat utilities $22 per wk. 2-4289.

3 RM. APT. SIm. All util. wk.

27 Leonard St. Chic. near. W. Sptld.

Bridge. 3 ROOM FURNISHED modern apartment id floor. 16 Saratoga St. $18.50 per wk. Jel.

2 NICE LARGE warm rooms. Georse St Private hath 'and private entrance. Kitchenette. $16.30 week. 7-4008.

2 ROOM APARTMENT furnished' Mrs. Langlois, 108 Calhoun St. 7-9710. 3 FURN. RMS.

for couple. Monmouth parking. Tel. 6-3047. Call aft.

5. OR 3 ROOM: Furnishel apartment. H. Millman 57 Rancroft St. 2 RMS.

bed-sittingrm. kit. bath. quire 3 Thomas St. 1st.

bell. Business Places for. Kept A CORNER STORE to rent, 5 room apartment. Together or apparately. 6-7507.

A GOOD atore: at 118. Roston Rd. suitable for office or atore, Call 9-0598. CHICOPEE Former. Spalding property, up to 10,000 a.

ft. Available immediately, Fully sprinklered, live steam. heated, loading platform. freight elpvators. dependable supply of electricity, Will divide to suit yours needs.


large Call cor, 2-4692. good for 7 IN HEART OF CITY 66 Charles St. 6000 sq. ft. -high celling.

Tel. 3-3114. OFFICE SUITE. 2 offices 2 wash rooms. Ideal for small sales force or light manufacturing.

Free parking at the door. Call Lynch Lumber 366 morial West P-1781. STORE FOR RENT at 230 Belmont Call 6-0510. STORE FOR RENT. Excellent location.

Clark Motor Co. Hasthampion. SMART, shop office, let. downtown. Tel.

2-8398. SINGLE HOUSE zoned business. "Spring St. $75 mo, P. 0.

676. STORE at the sinall space for Shop or storage. 3-0527, TWO chair barber shop complete for rent. Near Spild. College.

317 Eastern Ave. WAREHOUSE heart: of city, 66 Charles St. 6000 ft. hign cellings. Tel.



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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

Phone: +3763365785260

Job: Accounting Engineer

Hobby: Web surfing, Rafting, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Ghost hunting, Swimming, Amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.